Yellow Belly 2018 Final Batch
This beer is a collaborative effort together with our good friends—and world class brewers—at Buxton Brewery (UK).
Yellow Belly—a person who is without courage, fortitude, or nerve; a coward.
To us, one of the most cowardly deeds is to act anonymously, hiding behind a group. A signifying trait of institutionalized racism.
This beer is brewed to celebrate all things new, open minded and progressive. A peanut butter biscuit stout with no biscuits, butter or nuts. Taste, enjoy, and don’t be prejudiced.
Due to trademark issues, the 2018-2019 batch is the last Yellow Belly to be produced.
Henok Fentie, Karl Grandin, Denis Johnstone, Jake Oulsnam, Geoff Quinn, Colin Stronge
Imperial Stout, 11 % by vol.
Brewed at Buxton Brewery in the UK.
Artwork by Karl Grandin.