Yellow Belly 2017
This beer is a collaborative effort together with our good friends—and world class brewers—at Buxton Brewery (UK).
Yellow Belly—a person who is without courage, fortitude, or nerve; a coward.
To us, one of the most cowardly deeds is to act anonymously, hiding behind a group. A signifying trait of institutionalized racism.
This beer is brewed to celebrate all things new, open minded and progressive. A peanut butter biscuit stout with no biscuits, butter or nuts. Taste, enjoy, and don’t be prejudiced. Brewed with aromas.
Henok Fentie, Karl Grandin, Denis Johnstone, Jake Oulsnam, Geoff Quinn, Colin Stronge
Imperial Stout, 11 % by vol.
Brewed at Buxton Brewery in the UK.
Artwork by Karl Grandin.