Lorelei Coconut Maple Toast 6th Anniversary 2022
It all started when homebrew champ Dave Strachan sent us a beautiful coconut porter. We loved it and decided to play along with that theme. Lorelei, a coconut maple toast inspired Imperial Porter was born. Rich aromas and flavors of toasted coconut drizzled with sticky sweet maple syrup over a porter backbone of roasted malts.
Since 2019 we have added extra maple and coconut toasted to transcendence. A worthy continuation of one of the world’s most badass porters.
2022 marks the 6 year anniversary of this annual favorite of ours, to celebrate we took 6 kinds of coconut, both fresh and with different toasting levels and made an even more intense Lorelei.
Imperial Porter, 10.5 % by vol.
Brewed at Dugges Bryggeri in Sweden.
Artwork by Karl Grandin.